Thursday 23 October 2014

Write 10 things about yourself and pass on to 10 of your followers...

chubbyant tagged me in this so why not

1. I will be turning 41 next month and feel way toooo old to be on Tumblr - but Facebook irritates me and Twitter just confuses me!

2. I work for myself as a designer/online marketer/web designer, from home. I am really self-disciplined so it works out fairly well - except that I have guilt issues when I take time off! Luckily I’m learning to deal with that!

3. I hated sports as a kid. I never did anything. I used asthma as an excuse - I did have asthma - but I used it as an excuse to never do/play anything. All my life I wanted to have a great body - and only now in my 40’s am I actually putting in the effort to get into shape! If I could go back and tell my younger self something it would be to get in shape then! Don’t wait! It gets harder as you get older!

4. I still hate sports by the way! I will not be watching rugby, or cricket, or soccer or what-ever-the-fuck-they’re-playing - because I am just not interested. No - not even the world cup! No I don’t care less! EVER! PERIOD! I do however love going to the gym (to work out) and I love watching the (I know this sounds pervy - but it’s really innocent!) guys at the gym working out and admiring themselves in the mirror! Get such a kick out of it! And the view in the change room aint half bad either!

5. I was a complete slut in my 20’s. I sometimes question how it is I actually survived. I had zero self-control! I am unable to name all of the people I’ve had sex with - because I never knew half their names. I came out OK on the other side though!

6. I sleep naked and have for as long as I can remember, and I almost never wear underwear!

7. I am married to the most amazing man and we share an incredible life and home together along with our orchids, plants, and friends (otherwise called pets)

8. I really would love to have children - and at the same time - are you fucking kidding me?

9. I am really love Africa and I wish the world would leave it alone and stop trying to solve problems with their tech and the pills and their loans and their seeds and aid that just fuels corruption and greed! Leave Africa alone!

10. My mother was my best friend. She died last year and I miss her so much!

OK so now I’m supposed to tag people in this so that they can do the same - and I actually don’t know any of you particularly well… but here goes; ironbearicade, nulchar, nearfantastica00, saotterboy, theworldandmeaperson, filreg, right-as-rain, craigjcalhoun, sedadelduque and drawfellas…. do the same, don’t do the same - it’s really all up to you!

from Tumblr

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